Introduction to tooth whitening
| The way our teeth look is of great importance to many people. When teeth become discoloured, especially when they become darker, there is a lot of time and money that is invested into improving the colour of our teeth. Teeth whitening or bleaching techniques involve the application of a bleaching agent which diffuses through the tooth enamel and results in whitening. |
Home bleaching
| Home bleaching essentially involves going to the dentist, getting a set of trays for your teeth, and then applying bleach into those trays towhiten your own teeth. Home bleaching can be done in the convenience of your own home, and is usually more affordable than other options. |
Assisted bleaching
| Assisted bleaching is similar to bleaching your teeth at home, except that it is done in the dental clinic and often uses higher concentrations of bleaching agents. It can be performed as a “one-off treatment” or as a series of treatments depending on your needs. It is very rarely done as a series of treatments. |
Power bleaching
| Bleaching that is done in the clinic, where immediate results are expected, is called power bleaching. Power bleaching often useshydrogen peroxide, an activating light or laser, and also requires arubber dam or tissue dam to be placed to protect the gums. |
Walking bleach technique
| The walking bleach technique is used to whiten teeth that have hadroot canal treatments. Root canal treatments may discolour teeth due to the materials used to fill the root canal, discolouration breakdown of blood in the root canal, or medications used in the root canal during the treatment. The walking bleach technique involves bleaching the tooth from the inside of the tooth. |
Thermocatalytic technique
| The thermocatalytic technique is applied to teeth that have had root canal treatments. It involves bleaching the tooth from the inside of the tooth. It is similar to the walking bleach technique, except that it uses athermal light to activate the bleaching agent. |
Tooth sensitivity
| Tooth sensitivity can be classified into two categories: one may indicate a problem with the tooth’s nerve and blood supply (the root canal); and the other may be caused by the exposure of dentine, resulting in dentine hypersensitivity. Tooth sensitivity can be a side effect of teeth whitening. |
Smoking and your mouth
| Smoking has a part to play in several diseases and lesions in the mouth, the most common being gum disease. Smoking can also stain teeth and dental fillings, cause tooth decay, reduce your ability to smell and taste, and give you bad breath. |
My experience: Emma shares the best and worst of whitening
| Like all brides, Emma wanted to look spectacular on her wedding day, which meant that her teeth had to match her dress. So Emma took a punt on a new cosmetic treatment and came up trumps with a beautiful new smile for the ceremony. However, she warns us there is always a price to pay for beauty, even if it is small. |
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